- 集點兌換抽獎券:於徵才廠商、政府部門攤位完成任務即可掃描 QR 碼集點,集滿 5 點,可獲得抽獎券乙張。
- 小遊戲兌換抽獎券:活動當日於「小遊戲」攤位闖關成功,即可兌換抽獎券乙張。
- 填問卷兌換抽獎券:於活動官方網站填寫問卷,即可兌換抽獎券乙張。
※ 早鳥抽獎券 2 倍送:活動當日上午 11 點前完成集點 / 小遊戲,可獲得 2 倍抽獎券。(EX.上午 11 點前集滿 5 點,可兌換 2 張抽獎券,集滿 10 點可兌換 4 張抽獎券)
※ 超過 15:30 後,停止兌換抽獎券。
- 抽獎地點:浩然圖書館前活動舞台
- 第一階段抽獎 (學生獎):中午 12:30
- 對象:限國立陽明交通大學在校生,中獎者須持學生證至舞台旁領取。
- 現場唱名 3 次未到者視同放棄,將進行重抽。
- 第二階段抽獎 (一般獎):下午 15:30
- 對象:所有參與活動民眾,中獎者須持身分證至舞台旁領取。
- 須於當日活動結束 16:00 前領取,未於時限內領取者視同放棄。
- 一人最多只能抽中一次。
- 抽獎券一經兌換後,即表示參加抽獎;超過 12:30 後兌換的抽獎券,自動歸入第二階段抽獎。
1. Sign Up as an Event Member
Make sure to register as a member on our job fair's official website. After logging in with your verified account, you can redeem lucky draw tickets and join the fun!
2. Redeem Your Lucky Draw Ticket By…
- Point Collection:Complete tasks at the booths of hiring companies and government departments for points collection via QR Code. Collecting every 5 points can redeem 1 lucky draw ticket.
- Side Games:Successfully conquer challenges at the "Side Games" booth on the event day to get a lucky draw ticket.
- Survey:Fill out a survey on our official website, and you’ll get 1 lucky draw ticket.
Additional Info:Early birds can double their rewards! Complete your points collection, side games before 11 AM on the event day to receive double tickets. (Ex. Collect 5 points before 11 AM, you will get 2 tickets; collect 10 points before 11 AM, you will get 4 tickets.)
Note:Ticket redemption stops after 3:30 PM.
3. Draw Location, Time, and Eligibility
- Drawing Location:Event Stage In Front Of Library
- First Round Draw (Student Prizes):12:30 PM
- Eligibility: Only current students of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University can win. Winners must show their student ID Card at the stage to claim their prize.
- If the winners fail to respond after being called three times, they will be deemed to have forfeited the prize, and a redraw will be conducted.
- Second Round Draw (General Prizes):3:30 PM
- Eligibility:Open to all event attendees. Winners must present their ID Card at the stage to claim their prize.
- Prizes must be claimed before 4:00 PM on the same day. Prizes not claimed within the stated timeframe will be deemed forfeited.
4. Additional Notes
- Each person can win the prize only once.
- Once you've redeemed your ticket, it means you're in the draw; any tickets redeemed after 12:30 PM will automatically go into the second round draw.
Enjoy the event and good luck! 🍀